Trends in the chemistry and life sciences sector
Over the last twenty years, the sector has grown in both the number of people employed and the number of companies. At CLS we have two decades of experience and are on the forefront of the industry.
René Kemps of CLS explains: “Twenty years ago, large companies had a (corporate) R&D department in the Netherlands, like Unilever, Philips, DSM and AKZO/Organon. These departments have been closed, splitted or moved to other countries. Nowadays it is a challenging time in chemistry and life sciences sector. Yes, we see many start-ups in Chemistry & Life sciences but this growth has unfortunately not translated into more jobs in R&D but even less and a lot of reorganisations/restructuring is going on.
If the Dutch government stimulates the investment climate and businesses in Life Sciences, we are confident that the Netherlands can stand out again on innovation and development in this sector. It will provide necessary stability for companies to grow and acquire even more talented specialists.”
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